AS*EER Forum

Registrations are possible until March 18 (extended deadline) by e-mail to

Digital AS*EER forum 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021 | 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Complementing and questioning the established institutions of science and education, young people in particular, such as Fridays4future or the Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik, are campaigning for such a future beyond a permanent state of crisis as the normality. They are joined by an increasing number of scientists and teachers from other generations. The AS*EER Forum 2021 invites these actors from institutionalised education and research contexts, from movements and all interested parties to discuss the education and research task of a crisis-conscious and transformative socio-economic education and science. What educational content and forms does such socio-economic education and science need? What are appropriate qualification goals and competences? Which research profiles, methods and funding make socio-economic science crisis-conscious and effective for ways out of these crises? In addition to this education programme for the future, the focus will be on the exchange of experiences of proven forms of sustainable socio-economic education in schools, universities and projects outside institutionalised educational contexts, on innovative research projects that have already been carried out and on experiences in the actual transformation of educational institutions and political framework conditions.

Location: Zoom video conference. All registered participants will receive the link by e-mail in advance. The workshops will also take place via this link.


Registrations are possible until March 18 (extended deadline) by e-mail to Please also indicate the workshop you would like to attend. The event is free of charge.

We look forward to your participation!

Your organisation team Tim Engartner, Harald Hantke, Lisa-Marie Schröder & Theresa Steffestun

Programme overview as PDF