Elinor Ostrom Prize

The Association for Socioeconomic Education and Research (AS*EER) is awarding the Elinor Ostrom Prize for Socio-Economic Education and Science

The prize, worth €4,000, is awarded for outstanding academic theses, dissertations and postdoctoral theses dedicated to disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches in socioeconomic education and science. Since 2018, the prize has been sponsored by the Canopus Foundation, based in Freiburg.

Applications are possible in two categories:
– Doctoral and postdoctoral theses (€3,000)
– Bachelor’s and Master’s theses (€1,000)

The competition is open to theses that make a groundbreaking contribution to the thematic, methodological, paradigmatic or didactic design of socioeconomic education and science. The theses should not be older than two years (the submission date is the cut-off date).
The award ceremony will take place at the AS*EER Annual Conference at the University of Cologne on 26/27 September 2024.

We cordially invite you to submit your work, including a review and your CV
until 15 August 2024
by email to kontakt@soziooekonomie-bildung.eu

List of previous award winners:

Dr. Christian Fischer, University of Erfurt, title: Wirtschaftsordnungen simulativ verstehen und beurteilen lernen. Grundlagen, Planspielkonzeption und die Rekonstruktion von Lernwegen als Beitrag zur politikdidaktischen Unterrichtsforschung (award ceremony at the University of Duisburg-Essen 2019)

Dr. Franziska Wittau, University of Bielefeld, title: Verbraucherbildung als Alltagshilfe. Deutungsmuster zu Konsum und Bildung im Spiegel sozialwissenschaftlicher Professionalität (award ceremony at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna 2020)

Dr. Kai Krüger, Free University of Berlin, title: ‚Stunde null, Wirtschaftswunder, Mangelwirtschaft’ – gegenwärtige Schulgeschichtsbücher zwischen historischem Lernen und normativer Darstellung Kristin Langen, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, title: Can Thomas Piketty’s thesis that declining economic growth leads to increasing economic inequality be confirmed for Germany? A socio-economic analysis of Thomas Piketty’s work ‘Capital in the 21st Century’ (award ceremony as part of the digital GSÖBW-Forum 2021)

Dr Michael Schedelik, Goethe University Frankfurt , title: Technological Upgrading in Brazil: Institutions, Innovation, and the Worker´s Party Legacy (award ceremony at Bielefeld University 2023)