4th annual conference

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear members of the AS*EER,

Due to the fact that the Call of Papers has ended, the agenda is waiting with a qualitative and quantitative rich program and the clearing of the registration tool has taken place, we hereby invite you to the 4th annual conference of the Association of SocioEconomic Education and Research (AS*EER) in Vienna.

“Economy and Society” is the title of Max Weber’s work that has been published almost 100 years ago. Yet, many questions about the stress ratio between economy and democracy remain unanswered:

What meaning do the categories “Economy” and “Society” have in the age of economization? To what extent does the social order influence the economic order – and vice versa? How should the mutual dependencies between democratic and economic systems be evaluated? Are we on the way towards a market-compliant democracy or will the economic democracy take hold? With this regard, how should the role of economic sciences and especially of socioeconomics be evaluated? Which effects does economic thinking and acting have on political and social circumstances? To what extent does socioeconomic education become relevant in the context of political education – and the other way around? Where do the similarities and differences lie in the challenges for a socioeconomic education and political education?

Which interdependences mark economic and social systems should be discussed and analyzed from a scientific and didactical perspective. This will be done in the context of the conference from the 19. until 21. February 2020 at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna. The conference acts on the assumption that the field of economy can be embedded in its social contexts, especially by inputs from the related disciplines of economics and business administration, economic pedagogy, political science, philosophy, sociology, geography and ethics.

We are especially happy to announce that we can present Bryony Hoskins (University of Roehampton), Wayne Ross (University of British Columbia) and Colin Crouch (University of Warwick) as three well-known Keynote Speakers.

For students and junior scientists, it will be highly attractive to attend the conference: On 20. February 2020, the Festival for Pluralism offers the chance to gain own experiences in an informal conference format, present projects and engage in the discourse with other organizations, networks and foundations. Students as well as AS*EER members (including new members) pay a reduced fee of 30, -€ instead of 70, -€.

We would also appreciate it if you could inform interested colleges about this conference that will trade under the name “Economy and Society. Challenges for socioeconomics as well as socioeconomic and political education”. By signing up for this conference, it will be further possible to sign a membership at the AS*EER and thereby to pay a reduced price for the conference.

Please sign up for this conference until the 31. January 2020 by using the registration tool (https://soziooekonomie-bildung.eu/anmeldung-2020).

We are looking forward to your participation and remain with kind regards:

Your organization committee Christian Fridrich, Philipp Mittnik, Tim Engartner and Lisa-Marie Schröder

Wednesday, February 19, 2020 
Friday, February 21, 2020


Pädagogische Hochschule Wien


Bryony Hoskins
Colin Crouch
Wayne Ross

